Battlefleet Gothic - Getting started guide

Updated 12/03/2024

A lot has changed since I last played this game (many moons ago) however since GW killed off the game back in 2013, the community has forged ahead and taken ownership of the game.  The rules are now freely available online as a living rulebook named Battlefleet Gothic Remastered. There are also some fan rulesets out there called Battlefleet Gothic XR and BFG 2020, but it is recommended you start off with BFG Remastered.

For models there are some great 3rd party designs and 3d printing has really come to the rescue with there being some awesome free STL files out there. Some of which look identical to the original models and others are great brand new designs.

-------The Rules-------

This book contains the original rules plus the Armada expansion and 2010 FAQ. I highly recommend you go with this. 

Cut down and simplified rulebook with a scenario and small fleet list for your first battle 

Fan made ruleset. Mostly changes to ship stats and fleet lists but is popular

Fan made ruleset.  Changes the game significantly with an alternating player activation mechanic

Fan made ruleset. A well dedicated set of rules with Glorianas within the 30k setting

------- Ship stats -------

Brilliant compendium of all the official ships

Contains old and new rules, game tokens, 3d ship stl files and more... Everything to get you started

Different take on the Corsair Eldar

A fan-made supplement for Mercantile, Demiurg Commerce, Rak’gol, Battlefleet
Helian and Hivefleet Devourer fleets

------- Online Stores for physical miniatures -------

Scourge Scenics UK- here you will find proxy miniatures suitable for the Dark Eldar, Tau, Chaos, Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechanicus, Corsair Eldar, Craftworld Eldar and Necrons. 

Vanguard Miniatures UK- here you will find a range of models, which are suitable proxies for mainly the Imperial Navy, Space Marines, Rogue Traders, Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos.

Battlefleet Galaxy UK- provides miniatures suitable as proxies for the Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos

Godforgeminis UK/USA- the store where you can buy printed models from Soulforge Studios. Although the prices are in USD they can be shipped from the UK if needed. Suitable models for Imperial Navy, Orks, Space Marines, Adeptus Mechanicus, Rogue Trader and Chaos

Bunker Miniatures UK- Orks and Necrons

The 2 monkey monks UK- Star Galleon, rogue trader bits

shinn7776 - UK Acrylic blast markers and other components

Tabletopstuff  DE - Large collection of models from various designers.  Suitable proxies for Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Navy, Chaos, Corsair- Dark and Craftworld Eldar, Tau, Space Marines, Diasporex, Dark Eldar, Rogue Traders, Rak’Gol, Diasporex, Orcs, Necrons, Tyranids, Demiurg and extras.

Wintersbioforge EU - a line of space bug miniatures to proxy the Tyranids.

Red Arsenal INT- located on Shapeways suitable proxies for Necrons

------- Online sites for STL’s for your 3D printer -------

Italianmoose - A wide range of (some paid some free) STL to print proxies for Corsair Eldar, Craftworld Eldar, Diasporex (or Chaos), Tau, Imperial Navy, Dark Eldar, Adeptus Mechanicus, Space Marines, Demiurg and Rogue Trader

MkHand Industries - several suitable proxies for Imperial Navy, Chaos, Space Marines and Necrons

NoFixedForge - unique proxies for the Chaos fleet

ArcaneShipyard - suitable Xenos vessels

Keiler creations - Highly detailed Chaos cruisers

Cocos Models - Imperial Cruisers and Corsair Eldar Cruiser/Escorts

Hobby Butterflys - Lots of transport ships, grand and light Imperial cruisers

Fusion Shipyards - Napoleonic style Imperial ships, gun platforms and Demiurg

BlueSquat - Demiurg and Traders

JP2019 - Highly detailed Chaos and Imperial ships

Baukloetzchen - Small selection of Tyranids


Kyb Ynn - Imperial and a few chaos escorts

Tinnut - Unique take on Tyranids and a few chaos ships

--------The Community!-------

Awesome community full of helpful people

 The main group is: 

Navis Nobelite - Awesome overview of all ships in BFG Remastered 

Magazine - Incredible collection of fan made BFG magazines. Full of new ship rules, scenarios and tactics

Are you looking for a gaming club in the South East of England to play Battlefleet Gothic? 
If so join us at Wycombe Warband.


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