
Showing posts from September, 2019

Test Of Honour - Capture the settlement!

This is mission 2 Capture the Settlement in our "Linked Battles" campaign that we are going through in the club. The scenario is that by turn 5 you need to have captured more objectives (3 in total) than your opponent. Will & Lee Ronin Hero Ronin x 3 Archer Devoted Samurai Archer Musician Spearmen x 2 Paul Unarmoured Samurai Hero Devoted Samurai x 2 Archer Spearmen group Mustketmen group The setup was interesting where we due to having lost the previous linked battle are the attacker. We start off on the edge of the board with our entire force ready to go.  Paul has 2/3 of his squad in the town with the last 1/3 ready in reserve. I thought that this would had put Paul at a significant distadvantage but in fact the crafty bugger pulled a stunning move on us! For his first turn one of his devoted samurai appeared on the board edge next to our spearmen and charged right in for an instant KILL .  This immediately forced a test of...

Mortal Gods

Mortal gods... The dead are rising! Paul Heavy hero Light hero Experienced Hoplites x 2 Lightly armoured Hoplites x 1 Archer group x 1 Slinger group x 1 William and Max Heavy hero Light hero x 2 Hoplites with heavy armour x 2 Archer group x 1 Slinger group x 1 The scenario we chose was which is a basic kill-kill-kill scenario but where heroes are worth double points when you come to tally up the points. We deployed our forces in a standard line up and placed our units one by one in turn. In previous games I have had massive success with the Slinger group + Hero combo. The magic was getting the slingers to shoot 4 times due to shooting twice when stationary and the hero passing actions to them. My opponent was well aware of this and so was leaving the best until last! Our troop selection. As our forces were all skellies the portraits were obviously from when they were alive. ;) The first turn was pretty uneventful with both of us just nudging forward...