Ronin Battle Report - Scum vs Honour
For this game, we used the Ronin ruleset by Osprey. Honourable Sohei monks and Samurai Aris & Neil (Also known as Vanquisher of Peasants and Obliterator of the Dishonourably Surrendered) Sohei monks armed with naginata + 1 Teppo) 4 Samurai armed with Katana and + 1 Yumi Scum - Peasant rabble & dishnoured Samurai William, Paul & James Ikko ikki peasant rabble with improvised weapons, spears and one unarmoured samurai/leader 4 Samurai armed with Katana and one with katana bujitsu We took alternating turns for the setup with no grand tactical plan in mind. My team split up and rushed forward. We had the idea to rush a few of our samurai into the Dojo for a sneaky flanking maneuver. However our opponents had been operating their crystal ball and beat us to it by rushing two of their samurai into the Dojo before us. With our plan foiled, we had to quickly came up with a new plan where we would still try to engage the samurai on ...